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Our Code of Conduct

Welcome to the Expansive Woman Project community! Here's how we will grow and learn together:

1.  Be Respectful: Treat all members of the community with respect and kindness, regardless of their background or beliefs.


2.  No Harassment: Any form of harassment, including but not limited to hate speech, discrimination, or personal attacks, will not be tolerated.


3.  Keep it Safe: We want our community to be a safe space for women to learn and grow. Please do not share personal information or engage in any behavior that puts members at risk.


4.  No Spamming: This community is not a place for unsolicited promotion or spamming. Please refrain from posting promotional content or links unless they are relevant and helpful to the conversation.


5.  Be Inclusive: Our community welcomes all women, regardless of race, ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation, or gender identity. Please refrain from using language or engaging in behavior that excludes or marginalizes anyone.


6.  Keep it Constructive: We encourage healthy debate and discussion, but please keep your comments constructive and respectful. Personal attacks or inflammatory language will not be tolerated.


7.  Report Concerns: If you see any behavior that violates this code of conduct or makes you feel uncomfortable, please report it to the moderators immediately.


By joining this community, you agree to follow this code of conduct and contribute to a safe and supportive environment for all members.

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