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Stop. Assess.
Build the career of your dreams.

The Career Assessment Toolkit


The videos and workbooks in the Career Assessment Toolkit will guide you through a step-by-step process for evaluating your career so far.


Whether you're just starting out, or your have a few decades under your belt, this course will help you begin your expansive journey and chart your path forward.


You deserve a career that is meaningful, fulfilling, and aligned with the truth of who you are.


This is where all that begins.

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Remember, no matter what,
you're in charge of your career.

You've come a long way. But now there's a voice
in your head asking, "What's next?"

Your career is a big part of who you are. It shapes your daily routines, contributes to your sense of purpose, and impacts your overall wellbeing. Yet, in your day-to-day busyness, it's easy to lose sight of the bigger picture.


It's natural to wonder about your career trajectory. And regularly taking a step back to assess where you've been, where you are, and where you're going is crucial for ensuring your career aligns with your evolving goals and aspirations.

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When is it time to assess your career? Here are 5 key moments:

At annual performance review time.

When you're feeling stuck or unchallenged.

When you achieve a major career or life milestone.

When you experience significant life changes.

When you're feeling

burned out.

What you'll get:

A simple and practical methodology for assessing your career.

Includes videos and 65-pages of fillable pdf workbooks.

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A guide to help you consider career changes and possibilities.

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A guide to help you make a good career even better.

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What you'll gain:

Clarity and direction


Understand where you currently stand in your career and where you want to go. Set clear objectives and create a roadmap for your professional journey.

Increased fulfillment


Ensure that your career path is meaningful and rewarding. Gain a greater sense of purpose, happiness, and well-being in your work.

Enhanced self-awareness


Understand your interests, values, and preferences. Align your career choices with what truly matters to you.

Growth & development


Identify your strengths, skills, and areas for improvement. Develop new skills or enhance existing ones to progress further.

This isn't about changing who you are.
It's about empowering  the woman you already are.


The Career Assessment Toolkit


  • Unlock access to the engaging videos, reading and workbooks of this career-changing program


  • Connect with like-minded women and become a part of the expansive woman community


  • Keep access to all content forever


  • Build the confidence and clarity you need to succeed on your terms


It's all yours for the taking!

Take the first step toward
unlocking your full potential.
Let's do this.

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